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Equalizer T Shirt Electroluminescent


The light-emitting T-shirt for women

The electroluminescent light shirt, t shirt equalizer Alias, comes to life on the beat of the music through its sound sensor. 2 types of animations are possible, we are the only ones to offer. Bring the evening, or at trade shows to differentiate your company! Then wash in the machine, simply by detaching the electronics. Our electroluminescent t-shirts are designated in France, with a cut specially designed by our designers for women.

Was seen with a t-shirt electroluminescent?

The ready to wear Heart Jacking guarantees the best quality. That's why we obtained the exclusive license electroluminescent t-shirt for Switzerland, for Belgium, and of course France. And that is why David Guetta, The Black Eyed Peas, LMFAO, Jesse Spencer of House or Anna Mouglalis (Egerie Perfume No. 5) support us.

Equalizer T Shirt Electroluminescent 55 (56 avis)
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